
DecisionGolf™ is a business simulation that is played on a golf course.  This simulation is a perfect complement to an off-site leadership conference or can be free standing. The purpose of the simulation is to provide a challenging situation for leaders and teams to utilize their decision making, communication, leadership and teambuilding skills in a fun environment.


Each participant in the simulation will take an assessment called DecisionStyles which will assess their thinking and behavioral styles as leaders.  The assessment results will be used confidentially by the facilitators during the simulation to observe how the thinking and leadership styles are being displayed as each leader meets the challenges for each hole.


The simulation is designed, where a four member team with a facilitator, play 9 holes of golf each with their own unique challenges.  These challenges designed for each hole together with the natural challenge of golf tests the capacity of the team in each of the above skill areas.

The skill level for golf is not significant for the simulation.  Teams are generally designed with skilled and non-skilled golfers; which adds to the challenge and teambuilding aspects of the simulation.  As each team of four moves through the challenges of the course, they will also rotate the leadership for the respective hole, so that everyone gets an opportunity to lead the team and demonstrate their capacity to meet the challenge ahead.

During the simulation, the facilitator will provide each leader with a challenge for the hole.  The leader will then explain the challenge to the team and then lead them through driving the ball to sinking the putt for that hole.  The facilitator will be observing how the leader leads and how the team responds.  These observations will be debriefed and discussed further at the completion of the simulation.


  • Timing: Pace of play will be two hours and thirty minutes for nine holes (or approximately 20 min. per hole since for safety reasons.  We cannot have teams too close to each other)
  • Scoring and Pace of Play: Each team will also have a golf scorecard to keep score during the round.  The objective is to have the lowest score for the nine holes. If you run out of time, you will add two strokes to your score.
  • Leader for Each Hole: Each team will select the sequence for team leaders.  This sequence will not change for the entire round (nine holes). Write the sequence on your observation sheet.  Some holes will be lead by the entire team.
  • Player Sequence: The leader selects the sequence of who hits first, second, third, etc; however, every team member must play each hole.  No one can skip a hole. Everyone must play.
  • Instruction Page: Each leader will receive specific instructions from the facilitator for each hole.
  • Best Ball: Unless otherwise instructed by the facilitator, the format for the round will be “best ball”.  “Best ball” is determined by the leader to be the shot with the best advantage for that hole.
  • Three Tosses Forward:  If the ball goes out of bounds or is not playable, your team can toss the ball forward three times only using an underhand motion anywhere on the course.
  • Tees in Fairway:  A player may use a tee in the fairway one time for each hole.
  • Teams of 3: If you are in a threesome the leader will select who is the “4th” player for the hole.  This player will “partner” with himself/herself and hit two shots until the completion of the hole.  In other words, this person gets the hit the ball twice while playing the hole.

The facilitator reserves the right to change the guidelines or add new instructions at anytime during the round.  Good luck and have fun!

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